Tips on keeping your home tidy
The big spring clean out might be finished, but unfortunately after spring there are three other seasons of life. Keeping up a tidy lifestyle can seem impossible between work, school, friends, and daily life, Over time it is inevitable that your day to day is going to clutter up your home once again. However, do not dismay! Here are five easy tips for managing your newly tidied home. With these tricks tidying up can become an easy part of your self-care routine.
Tip 01: Tidy As You Go
This one is simple. Start one task and clean up before the next. This way as you move through your day the small messes are more manageable than one big one. If you take the time to clean that pan after breakfast you will have more time on your day to enjoy a clean kitchen.

Tip 02: Set a Timer
This tip is great and puts daily habits into perspective. Everyone has eight minutes in a day! Set your timer for eight minutes and tidy up. You’d be surprised what you can accomplish in that short amount of time and I promise you won’t miss those minutes out of your day.
Tip 03: Make Sure Everything Has a Spot
Having designated spaces for keys, jackets, laundry, and other items can simplify your life. If it has a spot the amount of thinking involved in the action of tidying is streamlined. Less thought, more productivity!

Tip 04: Clutter Basket
There always seem to be those items that never to have a place to go. Whether you have little kids with toys or cooking supplies, cosmetics etc. Purchasing a large basket as a catch all could be an easy solution. You could even clear your clutter basket each day during the set eight minutes.
Tip 05: Make Your Bed
This is such a classic organizing and overarching life tip. If you take time to make your bed it could be the tipping point for other daily cleaning. When your bed is made you might notice your clothes laying around or that trash can that needs to be emptied and anything in between. Making your bed every morning is a wonderful way to show that you take pride in your space.
The big spring clean out might be finished, but unfortunately after spring there are three other seasons of life. Keeping up a tidy lifestyle can seem impossible between work, school, friends, and daily life, Over time it is inevitable that your day to day is going to clutter up your home once again. However, do not dismay! Here are five easy tips for managing your newly tidied home. With these tricks tidying up can become an easy part of your self-care routine.
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