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Organizing the Kitchen

Having a tidy kitchen is the most satisfying feeling. My ideal morning starts with pristine countertops, a dish free sink and a great cup of coffee. Something about a clutter free countertop is so relaxing and provides a clean slate to start the day. The following list provides ideas of how to keep your kitchen in tip-top shape.

Clean the Fridge

This might be one of those chores that gets pushed and pushed until it is only done once or twice a year. Cleaning the fridge can be quite an ordeal especially if you plan on pulling out all the food and shelving. However, this process will force you to do inventory on your fridge while its being cleaned. Focusing on the cleanliness of your fridge will help you pay attention to what’s inside. This way you can avoid problems such as spoiled food or an unpleasant smell.

Limit Countertop Accessories

A clear eyeline in the kitchen will ease your stress and it’s a lot easier to do than you think. Find some cabinet space for your blender or other miscellaneous accessories. While it is still good to keep some things for daily use on the counter, putting away those sporadically used appliances will clean up the space.

Stick to a Coffee Method

If you are an everyday coffee drinker make sure to know your method. Whether you have a Keurig, traditional coffee machine, French press etc. make sure you have a routine. This way, the night before, you can plan ahead for your morning. If you have a Keurig load your K-cup, a French press grind your coffee beans, a coffee machine prepare your filters and so on. This eliminated step will allow a smooth relaxing morning routine.

Clear the Cabinets

A great way to find out what’s hiding in your cabinets is to pull it all out. Empty your cabinets, cupboards and lazy Susan to re-access what is necessary for your kitchen. Purging the items you no longer require will alleviate storage space for reorganization.

Keep it Clean

Consistency in the kitchen is the best way to preserve its tidiness. Staying on top of dirty dishes, washing towels and cleaning countertops are easy two-minute tasks. Making sure things are put away correctly should soon become another step in your routine. That way when you are ready to make a beautiful mess in the kitchen you know have a blank slate.

Paying attention to the kitchen is a basic form of self-care. Its one of the most used rooms in most homes so we should treat it with respect. These tips put into action should bring peace and cleanliness to your life.