How to Find the Things That Spark Joy
where is the joy?
If you are just getting started on your exploration into the methods of Marie Kondo, you might be asking yourself: how do I find the things in my life that spark joy? Every single human being on this planet gets into a rut from now and again. Life can’t always be an upward trajectory of peace and happiness.
Marie Kondo’s method of organizing begins with a challenge. She asks us to hold up a mirror to our life and look at our possessions as a reflection of who we are. When we hold up an object and ask ourselves “does this spark joy?” we open our perspective to the clutter that is detracting from that joy. Here is exactly how to find the things in your life that spark joy:
Tidy up
In this world, our “stuff” is a direct reflection of we are, even if we don’t want to admit it.
We all buy products to uphold our sense of self.
We hang onto sentimental items because they tell our story.
We let the clutter pile up when we are too overwhelmed to address it.
Through Marie Kondo’s style of organizing, she asks us to pull our belongings from their natural place and disrupt their existence in our life. From there you must spend a moment with each object and ask yourself if it sparks joy. Once this process begins it is much easier to spot the items in your home that reflect the person you want to be.

Try new things
Now that you have done some deep organizing of your home the fun doesn’t stop here. One of the most joyful parts about decluttering is the physical and mental space that an organized home gives to you.
Have you been putting off a hobby?
Do you wish you could learn how to cook?
Now is the time to try new things and integrate them into your routine. Shaking up your life could be the recipe for finding joy. Putting yourself out of you comfort zone will build confidence.
Make space for it
When we declutter, we make that physical space for the items that spark joy. In the same way we can declutter our time.
Take account of your weekly/monthly responsibilities and schedule some time for joy (whatever that means to you).

Don't be afraid of a mess
Life is messy.
If you start to slip on your organizational habits do not fret. Make some time on the weekend to tidy. When work and life get busy it is okay to feel the stress. Hopefully with enough habit building organizing will become a part of your de-stressing routine. Until then it is okay to mess up and let life get in the way. Balance is always key.