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Five Ways to Transform Your Home by Organizing

start from scratch

When you think of a home transformation, ideas of renovation and redecorating come to the forefront. However, by accessing what is already there, any room can be converted into a space that sparks joy.

Transition of a space into one that is immensely enjoyed starts with organization and good habits. Here are five ways to transform your home by organizing:

1. Have a Spot for Everything

Go around a room in your house and start designating areas for the random stuff that is hanging around. The key to a space that is well maintained is the idea that everything has a spot which it should normally live. This will make tidying up so much simpler in your day-to-day life.

When you find a jacket that is sitting on a chair it is a no-brainer to place it back on a hook or in a closet. The same goes with cooking projects, kids’ toys, magazines, keepsakes and really anything you can find in a room.

2. Add Decluttering to the Calendar

Weekend projects are essential to an organized home. Setting aside time to deeply declutter regularly will ensure that the stuff in your home isn’t overtaking your life. Go through your closets one by one for a weekend. 

Spend some time in your home office noticing what files should be shredded or filed. Give away unused kitchen appliances or return borrowed Tupperware.

3. Get Used to an Organized Home

Once you get in the habit of returning a space to its original state it will become addictive. Making sure your kitchen countertops are placed back in order after dinner or vacuuming the hall carpet will become a daily ritual and not a scramble for when company is coming.

Waking up to a clean kitchen or going to bed in a tidy room will clear space in your mind for the things that matter in life.

4. Make Cleaning Relaxing

Deep cleaning does not have to be a taxing experience. Try putting on your favorite show or album and get to work. Tidying everyday can become an almost meditative experience. 

Use that time to reflect on your day and think of the task as a form of relaxation from a hectic day at work.

5. Filter What You Bring in

Noticing what is already in your home by completing the action items above is a great first step to bringing in less. Now you do not have to be a minimalist to enjoy the small lifestyle changes the movement has to offer. Once you start to take notice and take care of what you already have it is a great way to put a filter on what is brought into your home initially. Ask yourself if this new item is something that you will declutter in a year?

I hope this article gave some insight into transforming the home by organizing. A new lease on a space can come in many forms and tidying is one of the easier beasts to tackle. Also when you start caring for a home in the form of organization it can lead to a new vision of a space that could include a remodel or redecoration.