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Bathroom Organization

Whether you share a bathroom with roommates, family, or all to yourself, the room always finds a way to become messy. It can be hard to use the space for proper self-care with products piling up in drawers and toothbrushes lying about. When we take time to ensure our bathroom is decluttered and clean it will transform into the peaceful facemask oasis of our dreams. These quick tips can help simplify your cleaning routine and make room for relaxation.

Tip 01: Throw Out Expired Products

This point might seem obvious but throwing away expired products will clear up a lot of space. Most makeup products do not last more than six months. So those two-year-old Sephora Mascaras might need to hit the road. While it might hurt to throw out those pricier buys it could be a great tool to practicing minimalism. If you haven’t used your five eyeshadow palettes in the past year or two the looming expiration date will aid in the process of buying less.

Tip 02: Take Inventory

In a large family or roommate living situation usually there are extras of everything. After a while you might have a collection of conditioners and toothpastes that are taking up space. While it is nice to have extra products on hand make sure to take inventory. So, the next time you are at the store wondering if you might need more soap you can easily check. Something as simple as a shared google doc or notebook could help in your pursuit of less.

Tip 03: Drawer/Cabinet Organizers

Make excellent use of your space by putting in drawer dividers or small bins. Group your like items together so you always know where to put things when your done. A catch-all bin for makeup brushes and toiletries will keep you far away from having a junked-up bathroom drawer.

Tip 04: Make Space for Cleaning Supplies

Having cleaning materials on hand in the bathroom will promote as-you-go cleansing. Something like easily accessible disinfecting wipes will simplify the act of bathroom cleaning. If the paper towels are down the hall or downstairs the culprit might find an easier excuse to just leave it behind.

Tip 05: Countertop Storage

Let’s be honest, most people might have trouble with the idea of opening a drawer and putting something in the correct spot. We are all human! A mason jar for your toothbrushes or cute wooden tray for your everyday skincare routine can make organization easy. If you have to look at toothbrushes lying around you might as well attempt to camouflage it as décor.

I hope this article will help you tackle the monster that is the powder room. It may not be easy, but small steps can make a big difference over time!