8 Things to Clean Everyday
habits enforce change
Cleaning a little bit every day helps us tackle the bigger stuff. Making sure we have cleaned these eight things every day will clear out not only your home but your head space. Having things put away or cleaned up allows us to really enjoy our spaces.
1. The dishes
Removing those dirty dishes from the sink is an easy habit to get into once you start.
Get into a system of cleaning up the kitchen as you cook/as you are done with your meal.

2. The pile of clothes
Leaving piles of clothes laying around is one easy task that always seems to get left to the last minute. When you have a chair or a convenient shelf in your changing area its practically inevitable for things to pile up. Taking two minutes to place clothes into a laundry bin will bring you peace of mind.

3. Fluff the pillows
There is something about waking up to a clean living space that offers serenity in the morning. Taking that extra step at night to fluff your couch pillows will have your living space looking sharp.
4. Hang up your coat
Leaving your winter coat hanging around the entrance of your house may be convenient when if you are in and out a lot through the day. Making the effort to hang it up properly is a good habit to get into. That way your entryway doesn’t become a regular space where clutter is expected.
5. The kitchen counters
Cleaning the kitchen counters before bed becomes a very easy habit once you start doing it. After a big meal in the kitchen its important to make sure that no food is left on the counters for the next day. Putting appliances and dishes away will make sure that the kitchen doesn’t become an overwhelming place to be. Meal time should spark joy.

6. Make the bed
A simple step in the morning that makes a huge difference is to make the bed. It is a task that brings a source of pride. As well as that feeling of accomplishment, there is nothing better than crawling into a nicely made bed at the end of a long day.

7. Put your makeup/products away
After getting ready in the morning it is a natural feeling to rush onwards leaving a future version of yourself to clean up the mess. Adding enough time into your morning routine to tidy up will help this become a normal activity.
8. Take out the trash
No one likes taking out the trash, but no one likes smelling old garbage. Staying on top of the trash pickup will add to your kitchen’s appeal. Those clean counters and the fresh smelling air is worth all the trouble.